Don't do it. Here's why:
The silent treatment will damage your relationship.
Whenever you feel threatened by unfortunate events, by criticism, or by unmet expectations that come across as personal insults - do you shut down and ignore your partner for hours? Hold on to subconscious resentment for days?
Spending Money
Apparently, there is a region in the brain that is unpleasantly stimulated when spending money, known as the insula. This stimulation makes it difficult for us to spend money. However, this region is not equally sensitive in everyone...
Dangerous Empathy
What? Empathy can be dangerous? That's right - this is the conclusion reached by scientist Paul Bloom, a professor of psychology at Yale and author of the book: "Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion."
The Relationship on the Altar: Offerings in the couple relationship
In the context of romantic relationships, the term "sacrifice" often connotes painful deprivation rather than a ceremonial act of gift-giving. As a couples therapist, I aim to shift the focus to this alternative interpretation of "sacrifice" as a gift to the gods, celebrated in a sacred ritual.
Problem talk creates problems, solution talk creates solutions!
This famous quote by Steve de Shazer, one of the founders of systemic solution-oriented brief therapy, gains new weight against the backdrop of a study conducted this year.
Selfconfidence is Overrated
"You don't believe in yourself!" said my friend. That surprised me a little. I thought I was just giving a realistic self-assessment regarding the things I could do and those I still wanted to learn. Must one always be perfect at everything or at least pretend to be?
Secure in Burnout
Instructions for Maximizing Stress
Creating Good Conditions through Favorable Self-Influence
Be honest, surely you already know this valuable tool and use it here and there: Do you often use phrases like "I'm totally stressed," "I have so much pressure," or "my day (my week, my month ... my life) is so stressful"?
Just 4 minutes a day are enough
A US study from the University of Virginia showed that 3 times 90 seconds of undivided attention per day are enough to sustain a long-term couple relationship. Without a phone, without a TV.
Food for Thought: How Do I Want to Live with Children?
A social network is crucial to consider, especially for mothers of young children. Confronting social norms is the flip side of living in communities, and dealing with children seems to be more closely and emotionally supervised socially. Not always to the benefit of mothers and children. Parents are well advised to carefully consider what they value in their interactions with their children.
Emotional Intelligence of Husband Key to a Stable Marriage
Dr. John Gottman, one of the leading marriage therapists and researchers on the subject in the USA, comes to this conclusion. What he means by this is the ability to emotionally engage with his wife (accept influence), to yield in conflicts, to acknowledge her desires, and to compromise.
Failure Harms Performance
We all know how a rejection or failure can bruise the ego, leading to demoralization and diminished motivation. But failure can also have an impact on our lives that we are not aware of.
Advice for Couples
- Make time for each other! Even when you come home exhausted at the end of the day, this is important relationship maintenance: spend at least 4 minutes a day giving your partner your undivided attention. Turn off all screens during this time.
Fears, depression, trauma:
Handling Stressful Emotions Better
In our quest to heal our souls, we tirelessly search for the causes behind it all. We tell ourselves a story about why we are afraid or why we are depressed.
At best, we uncover our behavioral patterns and how they were formed in our childhood.
Read more: Fears, depression, trauma. Handling Stressful Emotions Better
Happy rats do not become addicted
An experiment has shown that rats kept in conditions appropriate to their species, with sufficient companions, play opportunities, exercise, stimulation, and hiding spots, do not become addicted to the heroin offered to them. Conversely, a singly housed cage rat ...
Mom Police on Constant Duty
"We always notice everything: The mom police are on constant duty. ... Mothers are under much more constant observation and social pressure than they would like to admit. And this doesn't make it easy, ...
New Shared Apartment
... an important thing when moving in with a new partner: definitely start in a new, shared apartment. Otherwise, the new partner will never really "land" there.
Becoming Parents - Staying a Couple
Here's How You Can Survive the Birth of Your First Child as a Happy Couple
The birth of the first child pushes many couples to their limits. In the first years after birth, the separation rate is at its highest.
How Rituals Can Help in Everyday Life
Everyone knows it, lucky charms, mascots, specific accessories, clothing items that make us feel more secure in certain situations.
Dealing with Anger
What we're talking about here: We're talking about anger in everyday situations. Anger that escalates strongly and unnecessarily complicates life. I emphasize, this is not about serious fraud, physical harm, criminal acts, etc. It's about the little things, like who does more housework, who sticks to agreements, who interprets rules in what way, just the normal coexistence. It's also not about partners who drive you crazy. They exist, but that's not the focus here.
Helpful in Dealing with Anxiety:
Understanding My Brain Better
Guest contribution by Dr. Reiner Löffler
The following insights have helped me become calmer and more composed:
Blood pressure decreases due to overwhelm
Everyone knows it - we stand paralyzed before an unpleasant task that seems insurmountable, not knowing where to start. A wave of reluctance engulfs us, a sudden fatigue even weighs heavily on our spirits, leaving us motionless at the desk,